
Andreia Moassab

Andreia Moassab, PhD, is an architect and urban planner. She holds a Masters degree and a Doctorate in Communication and Semiotics from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUCSP / Brazil). She did a Doctoral internship at the Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal). She is author of the book Brasil Periferia(s): a Comunicação Insurgente do Hip-Hop (Educ/Fapesp, 2011), finalist for the Jabuti award in the humanities category (2013). Her scientific articles address public policy, housing, territory, gender, race relations, social movements and media. She was a consultant for Ministry of Development, Housing Spatial Planning and the United Nations in Cabo Verde. Between 2009-12 she served as research coordinator at CIDLOT Centro de Investigação em Desenvolvimento Local e Ordenamento de Território at the Universidade de Cabo Verde. Moassab is currently the coordinator of the Architecture and Urbanism program at the Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA/Brazil).